Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Review of The Walking Dead TV Series 6 Rick Grimes Figure!

Hhhooooboy. I have been waiting for this figure for so freaking long. Suffering months of teaser images from Mcfarlane Toys, even seeing the prototype at New York Comic-Con, just out of reach. Now, it is finally in my possession. Does it live up to the hype? Read on to find out!

The Basics:
Scale: 5"
Price: $14.99 in store, $14.99-29.99 online

Sculpt and Paint:
So this is the 4th Rick (counting repaints and re-releases) to come out of Mcfarlane's Walking Dead line. So the question is, did we need another Rick?
Yeah...yeah we did...
So this new Rick, let me just say, is the definitive Rick Grimes from the TV Series, IF you can find a good one. Now what I mean by that is this figure has had a lot of QC issues, from breaking hands, to badly painted faces. Now, one thing I've noticed is that most of those complaints is from the same "release set" mine is. What I mean by that, is on the back of each figure box is a date stamp. Mine has "100714KF":

A few other reviewers have had this same stamp on the back and had the same issue mine had (the right hand breaking). So if you can avoid getting one with that stamp, that's probably the way to go, because those were some of the first produced versions of this figure. As time goes on and all these issues were discovered, I've seen a lot better Rick's  come out. I personally didn't want to display him with the hand that broke anyway, so that's fine with me. Anyway, back to the sculpt. This face sculpt is definitely the best Rick Grimes head sculpt we've gotten so far. That said, it's still not 100% dead on to Andrew Lincoln, the actor portraying Rick Grimes. He just has one of those faces that is so hard to get dead-on in plastic. There are some angles that look perfect, but looking at him straight ahead, something is just off. 

The rest of the sculpt is also really well done, with his shirt having that baggy/wrinkled look. He has his wedding ring and watch sculpted on, and his belt and holster is so well detailed. It has all of his pouches and even his switchblade is attached to the back. His holster stores the Revolver perfectly and has a really nice texture to it. His pants have a great look and his boots look really good as well. The paintwork on his clothes really brings out all of the detail. His boots almost look like real worn leather, and his pants, belt and shirt have a great wash to them making them look "lived-in". 

Now for the skin, here's where you need to watch out. Again, look at the stamp on the back. I got lucky and got a pretty good paint job ( I added some shading, but just for personal preference), otherwise you really need to watch the face and arms. I've seen some with really odd looking arms, where the color looks WAY too pale, verging on a sickly skin tone. The face however, can range from clean, to filthy. Some have so much dirt on them, it looks so off putting. So just watch the face and arms and you'll be fine, but as I said, as time goes on, I feel like that will become a non-issue. The hair and beard look amazing. They have a nice wash to them to make them look aged.

This figure has a really nice selection of accessories. First let's address the hands. He comes packaged with an un-bandaged right hand, and a swappable bandanged right hand. Now whoever assembled mine, jammed the un-bandaged one in there, bending the peg, causing it to snap if you try to move it. That said, I personally wanted to display him with the bandaged hand, as I feel it adds character, but that hand is lacking the second swivel and hinge that the un-bandaged one has. 

Apart from that, he comes with his signature Colt Python Revolver, his handgun with a flashlight silencer, his Machete from the season 3 opener he used to kill Tomas, and lastly, a pair of D-Rings with a real chain attached, an interesting accessory choice, but cool none the less. All of the accessories are well painted, though I would have like to have seen a bit of rust on the colt python. It looks too new to have been through a zombie apocalypse, and with what Rick's been through, I don't think he's had the time to polish that gun every night.

For articulation, Rick has a ball-jointed head, swivel-hinge shoulders, swivel-hinge elbows, swivel at the lower wrists for all hands, swivel-hinge at the upper wrists for the un-bandaged hands, a restricted waist swivel, swivel-hinge hips, swivel-hinge knees, and ball-jointed ankles that are buried so deep they don't really do much other than a left to right swivel. You can get a very slight up and down if you try hard enough but that runs the risk of breaking it.

So this figure, depending on which one you get, is not without it's flaws. If you can get a later produced one, by all means get it asap, but if your only option is the one with the same stamp as mine, then just watch the paint on the face and arms, and be careful (with the wrist I'd recommend using a blow dryer to soften the plastic), because flaws aside, the figure on the whole is really well executed and I have to recommend him because unless McFarlane releases a Season 5 Rick, this is the definitive Rick Grimes.
9 OUT OF 10!!! 

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