Saturday, September 1, 2012

Review of DC Universe All Stars Wave 1 New 52 Superman, New 52 Batman, Classic Red Robin, and Classic Superboy Prime!!!!!

First off If you want to get straight to the review feel free to just scroll down!

Ok, as I said in the last post this is the first and kind-of/sort-of the last. What I mean by that is this is the first and last wave to be called DC Universe All Stars, you may be saying this is the 3rd or 4th but your thinking of DC Universe CLASSICS All Stars. Come next year the line will be re-named
DC Unlimited and the Batman Legacy line will be called Batman Unlimited. As a bonus here are some pics of upcoming figures from both respective lines.
From the DC Unlimited line:
New 52 Wonder Woman and Injustice:Gods Among Us Batman
New 52 Batgirl

New 52 Flash
New 52 Hawkman

From the Batman Unlimited line:
Earth X Batman and batmite
Classic Penguin

The Dark Knight Returns Batman


 Ok Let's kick things off with the figures in order from my least favorite (not necessarily a bad figure) to my favorite!

New 52 Batman:

As a young boy Bruce Wayne saw his parents fall victim to a senseless crime. His focused purpose became to fight Gotham's criminal elements as Batman. The people of Gotham see Batman as an almost mythical figure, able to take on any adversary no matter how powerful. To thwart crime he relies on his detective skills, sheer physical speed, willpower, and  an assortment of high-tech weaponry and unique crime-fighting aids!

 Sculpt and Paint:
Batman is, and considering this is Mattel I can;t believe I'm saying this, a brand new sculpt!!! And the sculpt is beautiful. A great representation of the New 52 suit, it features all the lines and panels that it does in the comics. The head is a perfect batman head with small wide ears, and we finally get an expression that is the perfect mix of anger and determination. The sculpt really shines in a few key areas. The first is the cape which is molded perfectly. It drapes over his  shoulders and goes down to about knee length when he stands up straight. The gloves and boots look amazing, and the utility belt is perfect, the pouches aren't too big but not too small. Perhaps my favorite part of the sculpt is the raised Bat-symbol as opposed to it being painted on!! Speaking of paint the Batman figure has near perfect paint except for that mole looking thing on his face in the above picture. Also watch for where the mask and skin meet. Other than that its perfect.

Articulation and Accessories:
This is where he falls short. First off he has no accessories, nothing. The base is from one of my Batman Hush figures. Why give him a base you ask? Well this is where it gets ugly. For some reason in this wave the quality control on the classic figures is top notch but sucks on New 52 ones. His left leg is so loose that it flops all over the place, and It's not just me. Other reviewers complain of "bobble-head syndrome", loose ankles, broken hands, loose ab crunches, and some even were packaged with two left hands!! Pull it together Mattel, these figures are going to fly off the shelves, so make sure people get their moneys worth! I gaurantee if mine didnt have the leg issue, he would have been my second favorite of the wave. Such a shame. As for articulation It's standard. Ball jointed head, Swivel-hinge shoulders, swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, ab-crunch, swivel waist, T-joint hips, swivel thigh, hinge knee, and hinge ankle! So he isn't a bad figure by any means, it's just that the quality control should be better. If you can get one without any problems. Congratulations, you've gotten the new definitive Batman Figure!!

Because of his leg ( and I cant finda way to fix it), I have to give mine a 6.5 out of 10!!

New 52 Superman
Rocketed to Earth from the doomed Planet Krypton, the infant Kal-el was adopted by the kindly Kent family of Smallville, Kansas. Young Clark Kent grew strong and powerful under the rays of Earth's yellow sun, developing a phenomenal array of powers. In adulthood, Clark would use these abilities as Superman, championing the virtues of Truth, Justice, and the American Way while keeping secret his true identity as a crusading reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, The Daily Planet!! 

Sculpt and Paint:
Like the Batman this Superman figure is an entirely new sculpt! Also like Batman it is beautifully done! The panel lines and neck collar and hand guards are all comic accurate. The "S" Shield is raised on his chest and the belt and boots looks great. He has a really nice headsculpt. Although the cape is nicely sculpted I'm not crazy about it because if your figure has a weak ab-crunch, like mine, it is constantly pulling him back. Other than that Its a great sculpt! Paint wise I had no problems but like always with any figure check it out in the package, especially the head.
Articulation and Accessories:
In terms of accessories he has nothing. Which I mean is fine but would it killl them to include a flight stand? As for articulation It's standard. Ball jointed head, Swivel-hinge shoulders, swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, ab-crunch, swivel waist, T-joint hips, swivel thigh, hinge knee, and hinge ankle! Now unfortunately quality control strikes again and my Supes came with a loose as hell ab crunch. FORTUNATELY however I can remedy i by taking crazy glue (The brush one) and putting it between the joints to create friction and therefore create a more stable joint! If i didn't have the joint issue he would have been my favorite of the wave!
With the joint issues i have to give him a 7 out of 10!
However if you get lucky and get a perfect one, id give it a 9 out of 10!!!!
My second favorite of the wave:

Red Robin:

Tim Drake already had impressive detective and computer hacking skills when Bruce Wayne offered him the opportunity to train and become his protege Robin. But when Batman dissapeared, Drake went incognito and became Red Robin to find him. During his search he masterfully formed an alliance with Ra's Al Ghul that eventually dismanteled Ra's League of Assassins and paved the way for Bruce Wayne's return. Drake continued to use his brilliant deductive and martial arts skills as Red Robin, working with the Outsiders and the Teen Titans.

Sculpt and Paint:
Unlike the previous two figures, Red Robin is not an entirely new sculpt. He is a mix of old and new. The the body mold is from Dr.Mid-Nite but the Head, belt, symbol and boots are all new. Overall the sculpt is a great representation of the character. The paint job is crisp and perfect and has virtually no slop, but as always, check the face. It's always the face.

Articulation and Accessories:
Red Robin comes with his Bo-Staff which is a single molded silver piece. Other than that there are no accessories.
As for articulation It's standard. Ball jointed head, Swivel-hinge shoulders, swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, ab-crunch, swivel waist, T-joint hips, swivel thigh, hinge knee, and hinge ankle!
Overall I would give Red Robin a 10 out of 10! A fantastic figure 
And finally, my personal favorite of the wave:

                                                                     Superboy Prime:

In a parallel world where DC Super Heroes are fictional comic book characters, a teenage boy named Clark Kent discovered he has the same powers as  Superman. Donning the Man of Steel's uniform, he became Superboy Prime and joined forces with heroes from other worlds to defeat the Anti-Monitor in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. After witnessing his heroes become darker and ineffective, Superboy Prime became disillusioned and decided to change the world himself. His actions led to the Infinite Crisis, resulting in great destruction across the galaxy.

Sculpt and Paint:
I flat out love this figure. I've wanted a figure of this particular incarnation of Superboy for sometime now and this guy delivers. In terms of the sculpt Superboy Prime is a great mix of old and new parts. The new parts being, the head, shoulder armor, cape, forearms, boots, and belts. Everthing else is a standard DCUC bocy type. The sculpt is flawless on this figure.  This depicts Superboy Prime in his anti-monitor armor which, if memory serves, he donned to faster absorb the rays of Earths sun to increase his power. The sculpt on the armor is amazing and one thing that I love is that all of the tubing does not interfere with the articulation at all. Another favorite thing of mine is that the "S" shield is raised on his chest. In terms of paint, it has a great paint job, but again, watch out for the face.
Articulation and Accessories:
Now I would complain about this guy not coming with accessories but like Superman he really doesn;t need any and it's not like he would be able to hold anything o begin with as his hands are sculpted fists. A flight stand would be nice though.....hint hint Mattel...hint..hint...
As for articulation It's standard. Ball jointed head, Swivel-hinge shoulders, swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, ab-crunch, swivel waist, T-joint hips, swivel thigh, hinge knee, and hinge ankle!

Overall Superboy Prime is a fantastic figure and I cannot reccomend him enough, He seems to be the pegwarmer of the wave which I find wierd but hey, to each his own.
10 out of 10!!!!!!!!!

Overall as the first and final wave of DC Universe All Stars and the intro wave to DC Unlimited figures, it is a pretty good one if you can get good Superman and Batman figures. It's clear that this new line will stop focusing on getting obscure characters and build a figures, but giving us more definitive verisons of the heavy hitters and fan favorite characters. Overall I can say that this is a welcome change of pace to the line but still...more accessories mattel. Your saving plastic by not using the build a figure pieces. Throw us a bone. Please.
OVERALL: 9  OUT OF 10!!!!!!!!!


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