Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Go-Figure Post #1: X-Force Deadpool

Ok guys so as I said in my review I loved the Deadpool figure but didn't like the harness, and one thing I forgot to mention is I felt the ankles/shin area was really small so I took to adding a few things to the figure. Such as a new, non-removable harness ( I never liked the removable ones, they always look so big and clunky) and non-removable ankle armor.
Here's a list of the figures you will need:
1.) Marvel Legends 2012 X-Force Deadpool figure

2.) Marvel Universe Deadpool (either the X-Men Origins Wolverine single release or X-Force 3 pack will do.). You will need the harness.
3.) Captain America: The First Avenger 6" Captain America. You will need his belt.
4.) Marvel Legends 2011 Winter Soldier. You will need his Kevlar vest.
5.) G.I.Joe Rise of Cobra M.A.R.S Trooper. You will need his vest.
6.) Any G.I. Joe belt. I used the belt that came with Reactive Impact Armor Duke from the first movie line.
7.) Crazy glue
8.) Glossy black paint.
9.) Needle nose pliers such as the one pictured below

Just Two General shots of the finished product on a display base:

The belt is the movie cap belt. To remove it from Cap it will take a bit of prying as it is glued on pretty tight.  Then I proceed to paint it a glossy black Once its off simply wrap it around deadpools waist to how you want it, take one side off, glue it, and glue the other side. For the deadpool face on the belt buckle I removed the mini face from the Marvel Universe Deadpool' s harness and glued that onto the buckle.
For the harness I took the winter soldier's Kevlar vest  and used the pliers to clip off the material around the straps. Then I painted it black. Once it dried I cut off the strap connectors on the bottom left. I glued it on. Once that was done I cut the red circle bomb from the Marvel Universe Deadpool harness and glued it in between so the straps all connect to it. Finally, I glued one katana sheath (because in the X-Force comics he only used one) Diagonally onto both straps.
The belt on his left thigh was easy, just slide it up his leg and it stays in place.

As for his ankle armor, I took the M.A.R.S trooper vest, cut it in half, and wrapped it around each ankle so it looked like Kevlar padding and glued them down.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is how to go about making a custom X-Force Deadpool. Now...FOR FUNNY  PICTURES!!!!!!!!

"...............I'm going to need more chimichangas....."

"Spidey-Baby!! Likin the new duds! Sorry but...I still have to take you out.....money and all... you understand...BANG"



"How is this possible you ask? Apparently roid rage here likes chimichangas. BEST RIDE EVER!!!!!"

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