Sunday, April 22, 2012


Welcome, faithful readers to my 100th post. Today we will be taking a look at last weeks comics haul, my last "BIG FIGURE HAUL!", a reflection on how running this blog has been so far, a message to you guys, the readers, and a surprise (unless you scroll down and ignore this) to bring it all home. That said, let's begin!


Avengers vs. X-Men #2 of 12

Avengers vs X-Men_2
Here it is folks, the start of the brawl that promises to be the biggest event of 2012 and I have to say i'm a bit...underwhelmed honestly. Don't get me wrong its a good read and the art is alright but the fight itself has so much going on that it's hard to maintain a good pace. The fight isn't even well executed, people are just fighting,  there's no planning from the master tactician's Capain America and Cyclops,  the end though does look promising but the fight itself just didn't impress me. The fights in Civil War made this look like a pre-school party. Not bad, but i'm hoping it really picks up in the next few issues.

Justice League #8

Justice League_8
So this issue sees Green Arrow trying to join the Justice League, even though the cover doesn't show that.....which is wierd. However the issue itself is great. The story is short and contained in one issue but doesn't lose any traction. The ending sets up for what could be some cool flashback issues and hints to future story possibilities. That said, this weeks artist Carlos D'Anda needs to be on this book more. I loved his art style and I want to see much more from him in the future. Great, great issue.
5 out of 5!

Nightwing #8

This issue expands on the major event in the bat-verse, the Court of Owls. This issue delves into the past of one of the assassins of The Court named William Cobb. That said I can't really say much without giving out any spoilers but the story and art were fantastic. This is without a doubt one of my all time favorites of the New 52!
5 out of 5!!

Pick of the Week:

Justice League_8

Justice League #8!! I went back and re-read this about 5 times. Definitely one of the best issues of the series.


Ok guys, so this will be my final figure haul of this size for quite some time.
Top picture from left to right DC Universe Classics Wave 20 Metallic Hal Jordan Green Lantern, The Avengers Cosmic Spear Loki, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ToysRUs Exclusive Unhooded Ezio, DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe Set Aquaman. Bottom Row from left to right, Mega Bloks Cyclops, Silver Surfer, Big Time Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic, and I got another wave 2 Thor and Wolverine, Ultimate Spider-Man Action Vigentte Figures of Venom and Spider-Man. Lastly I recently ordered a figure that I have wanted for some time and it hasn't  come in yet but I'm so excited I just had to post a pic. Thor: The Mighty Avenger King Loki Figure!!!!

Reflection Time Boys and Girls: Wow. 100 posts already, it doesn't even feel like it. However it has been fun as hell. For all those times that I missed the upload date  I promised, I want to apologize and will try to be more punctual. I can only hope the reviews on the site have not only entertained but possibly help you guys decide if a figure is worth buying, as other review sites have done for me. Now with that out of the way I want to thank you guys, the readers, for sticking with the blog. For supporting Geek4Life and hopefully I've been able to help and entertain you guys for the short time so far that this Blog has been up. It's been a blast so far and I hope I'll be here to get to the 200 mark. Thanks again for sticking with me guys, it means the world to me!

And now to bring it all home, here are two new Avengers movie clips!!!!!

The Avengers - Face Off Clip:

The Avengers - Loki Imprisoned Clip:

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