Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Review of Star Wars Vintage Collection Darth Maul Figure!

The Basics:Price: $8.99-$13.99
Scale: 3 3/4"

Darth Maul:
The apprentice to Darth Sidious, Darth Maul is a force to be wreckoned with. One of the most ruthless and powerful Sith Lords ever, Darth Maul follows out his masters every command. As a hunter and tracker he knows it will only be a matter of time before he takes his masters place.

The Sculpt and Paint:

Let me start off by saying that I have been waiting for this figure for so soooo long and to finally have him is amazing. It's perfect. Now on to the sculpt. It's flawless, and I really mean that. The robes, the tunic, everything is spot on to the movie. They even included his wrist comm! The face is dead on as well. The horns are the right size, the belt is great. I just cannot get over this figure. It's amazing in every aspect! In terms of paint, its perfect. I was so worried about quality control on the head because...well...thats the only part with paint apps that would be hard to fix but the paint is amazing. The eyes look perfect. It's kind of hard to see in the above picture but those eyes are just so menacingly painted! It's perfect.

The Accessories and Articulation:

For accessories let me start off by saying I love the robe and hood. It is great on this figure and that last picture, directly above these lines, may be my shelf pose for him because......it just look SO EPIC!!!!!! Ok, nerd-rage over. For accessories he comes with a soft goods robe, a plastic hood (THANK GOD!! the soft ones looked terrible) a pair of binoculars, his infamous double bladed lightsaber that detatches, and a hilt of the double bladed saber that does NOT detatch. Base not included.
In terms of articulation Darth Maul has a ball jointed head, ball jointed abs, swivel-hinge shoulder, swivel-hinge elbows, swivel wrists, swivel hinge thighs, swivel-hinge knees, and swivel-hinge ankles. Never has a Darth Maul 3 3/4" figure had this much articulation.

This figure.....words cannot express how happy I am to have him. This figure is the perfect example of what Hasbro should be doing. Rather than 20,000 character variations, update classic characters with top of the line articulation, sculpt, paint, and accessories. If you are lucky enough to find him, or are as skilled of a tracker and hunter as Maul himself, get him!!! It doesn't get any better than this
10 OUT OF 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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