Scale: 3 3/4 verging on 4"
Price: $8.99 - $13.99 in store. $8.45 - $25.00 on
Character Bio:
For more on Beast, check out:
Sculpt and Paint:
Beast, much like Hulk has a truly fantastic sculpt. The fur all over him looks incredible and the detail on his face is fantastic. His gauntlets, and suit from what I can tell are comic book accurate, and he just looks flat out amazing. Beast and Hulk put the rest of the MU line to shame in my opinion. Hasbro has proven they can do this impressive work, carry it over to the rest of the line.
As far as Paint goes, Ol' Hank here is pretty good, but far from perfect. The ares that you really need to watch are the gold applications on the seams of the suit, his gauntlets and the black on the face. I've seen some where it drips all over. That's about it. Just watch those areas, and your set.
Articulation and Accessories:
In the way of articulation Beast has a swivel-hinge neck, a swivel-hinge shoulder, swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel-hinge wrists, a ball jointed torso, ball jointed thighs, swivel thighs, double jointed knees, swivel-hinge upper ankles, rocker lower ankles, and two joints. Now that sounds absolutely fantastic, but sadly all is not well for Beast. Despite the amazing articulation, his joints are flopping all over the place. It may just be mine but my God his joints are unbearably loose, the reason this review doesn't have many posed pictures. As for accessories, bupkis.
This sucks. Mainly because this figure is fantastic. Astonishing even (Hardcore Marvel fans shall get the pun..I hope) but his loose joints hold him back. Before typing this up I checked around and others, but not everyone has this problem. If you get lucky and get one with nice tight joints, congrats! If not, well, I feel your pain. Unfortunately my score reflects my particular figure so I have to give Beast a 7 out of 10.
This took 15 minutes to do by the way.
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