The Basics:
Price Range: $15.99 - $65.99
Price Range: $15.99 - $65.99
Scale: 6"
Character Bios:
The Flash:
For more check out:
Professor Zoom - The Reverse Flash:
For more check out:
Now, onto the Review!
Sculpt and Paint:
The sculpt of the two figures are the same as the sculpt of the original DCUC Flash from Wave 7, the only difference being the head sculpt of Professor Zoom, and Professor Zoom having an open left hand to hold his accessory. Other than that nothing was changed. The Flash still looks just as good as he originally did, and I think this paint job does the figure much more justice then the paint job on the original figure did, the original being the bright red of Zoom's ear pieces and a slightly darker yellow than Zoom's. Zoom's head sculpt looks fantastic, and overall these two figures just compliment each other so well. To me, even though they share the same body mold, these figures are two real gems to come out of the DCUC line. My only nitpick is that It would be great to have The Flash and Zoom each come with interchangeable hands, two fists, and two that have the "flat open palm" look that the Flash or Tom Cruise has, when they run.
Articulation and Accessories:
The Flash comes with a standard DCUC display base which I cannot for the life of me find in time for the review. Professor Zoom comes with his lighting rod baton, which I can't really get into without giving massive spoilers, but I will say it is essential that he came with it. For articulation, since they are the same body, you guessed it, same articulation! It's your standard DCUC articulation. Ball jointed head, Swivel-hinge shoulders,
swivel bicep, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, ab-crunch, swivel waist, T-joint hips,
swivel thigh, hinge knee, and hinge ankle!
I know I've already said it but these are two DCUC figures that are gems. They are a shining example of how the DCUC line can take two characters, simple in sculpt and accessories, and make them the most memorable of the line. The trick though is finding The Flash, Professor Zoom is a bit easier to find. Flash can run you as much as $100 on the secondhand market which is the only way to get him now, Zoom is still up there but not by much, I was able to find him for $15 on amazon. That said, happy hunting, because these guys are definitely worth the hunt!
The Flash: 10 OUT OF 10!!!
Professor Zoom: 10 OUT OF 10!!!
Now that the review is done, I'd like to just say that it's been a great first year for this blog, and I'd like to thank all of you that check this blog out and keep coming back for more. Thank you guys, and have a great Christmas!
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