Friday, March 29, 2013

Review of Marvel Legends SDCC'12 Uncanny X-Force box-set

The Basics:
All three stand at 6", Angel with his wings hits 7 1/2"
Price: $195.95

Team Bio:

Deadpool not included with set.
 With mutants endangered and hunted across the globe, Cyclops made the decision to create X-Force, a mutant black ops team under the command of Wolverine. This silent squad of dangerous mutants performs the missions too dark or dirty for the X-Men. When a threat looms over the mutant race, X-Force takes care of it, quickly and silently.
The review format, like in the Venom review, will not be broken down into categories. That said, let's dive right in.
I wanted this set so bad when I first saw it, when I heard it was a SDCC exclusive, I was crushed. I definitely did not want to pay $300, the price it was going for at the time online, so I waited, and I waited. Then NYCC rolled around and I happened to find a dude, who had two of these and long story short, they are mine now. Let's start by taking a look at my favorite from the set, Wolverine!

Now I know what your thinking "Another Wolverine??" , and yes while he is probably the most overused character in Marvel figures next to Spider-Man and Iron Man, this Wolverine, is the best Wolverine to date. This is coming from a guy who has owned about 25 different Wolverines over the course of 18 years. What makes him so great? Well his sculpt is dead on, he's buff, he is a relatively good height for a Wolverine figure, still a bit too tall if your OCD with figure scaling, but I don't mind. He has the best articulation for a Wolvie figure, and he can deliver some fantastic crouching poses, which for Wolvie is crucial. He has a swivel-hinge neck, swivel-hinge shoulders, hinge shoulder blades, swivel biceps, double-hinge elbows, swivel-hinge wrists, balljointed abs, swivel waist, swivel-hinge hips, swivel thighs, double-hinge knees, swivel calves, swivel-hinge rocker ankles. His detail on the boots and gloves is spot on, and his facial expression is great. It's like a mix of a snarl and a smirk. The paint is very well done, I'd say check the areas where the black and grey meet, as well as the skintone, but that's if your lucky to find this set in person. Now, what is probably the coolest feature is that each claw is individually removable. Now mine are a little had to pop out so I didn't take pics of him without claws, for fear of them breaking on me, but I have done it before, and it is possible.

He just exudes badassery does he not?
Onto my second favorite of the set, Archangel:

Archangel, is just plain cool. I mean he just looks awesome. As a figure, he works relatively well, my only complaint are his wings, which tend to make him topple over QUITE a bit. The sculpt on him is pretty good. His body is a straight up remold of the Bucky Cap figure, but with new shins, and obviously a new head. His wings are really cool. They have multiple joints, are removable via a backpeg, and just really well done. The paint work is flawless, and he is a blast to pose assuming you can get him standing, one of the coolest poses I got him in was this:
It just looks like a really cool pose to me. In terms of articulation he has a balljoint-hinge neck, a swivel-hinge shoulder, swivel bicep, double-hinge elbows, swivel-hinge wrists, ab-crunch, swivel waist, balljointed hips, swivel thighs, double-hinge knees, swivel calves, and swivel-hinge rocker ankles.
Now! Onto Psylocke!

Psylocke is my least favorite, not saying she is a bad figure, just not my favorite of the set. Her sculpt is good, using a generic female body mold that we've seen before. Her head if I'm correct is a brand new sculpt and looks great. Paint work is fantastic, which is crucial as her entire costume is painted on, not sculpted. In terms of accessories she comes with her energy sword, not sure of the technical term for it, never was a big fan of Psylocke. For articulation she has a balljointed head, swivel-hinge shoulders, balljointed ab, swivel-hinge elbows, swivel-hinge wrists, swivel-hinge hips, swivel thighs, double-hinge knees, and swivel-hinge ankles. I wish she had the rocker ankles, because as is, she is a pain in the tuchus to stand!
Is this set worth it? It's really hard to say. They rereleased the wolverine figure, with silver in place of the grey. The rereleased the archangel with his classic colors as opposed to his X-Force duds, Psylocke, I don't know if they plan to re-release her. In this one it all comes down to you. I think it's a fantastic set. Worth the $195 price tag? It sounds bad, but yeah, provided you want the originals of the figures, because your not going to do much better unless you know a guy who knows a guy, who knows another guy and so on. Or you could just get really lucky at another comic-con. Either or. That being said, if they hadn't rereleased 2 out of the 3 figures, this is a definite pick-up for me.
9 OUT OF 10!!!!!!!!!!!

"What??? All I'm sayin is that if I were in the boxset you guys probably would have gotten a 10!!"

"And he sticks the landing! You have no idea how painful this would be if I weren't made of plastic..."


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