I know I haven't posted in a while, and I made schedules that I haven't lived up to. So I've been thinking about this for a long time, because even though it seems small and insignificant, it's not to me. I started this blog back in 2011 because I love comics. I love action figures. And for the longest time I wanted to review them online like all the websites I used to follow. I did review them. Then time went on, schedules changed, new priorities arose, and it got harder to make time in my schedule to make reviews. I did manage to get it there for a while, and I loved every second of it. Then I got my camera, and tried my hand at video reviews, and while I love taking pictures of figures and writing up reviews, in terms of schedules, video reviews are a lot faster. Even though I found that new medium I tried to keep reviews coming here as well via text reviews, but it wasn't working out well. I didn't want to forget where I started. I didn't, and I won't. I love comics. I love figures. I'm going to keep reviewing them. Just not here. I can't fit the time anymore. Between school, a job, and possibly a second job, I can't make it work. The website will stay up as an archive, and also as a reminder of what I started here for myself. I'll also put the video reviews on here, but as far as original content just for the blog, that's done. I never really checked how many of you followed this blog post to post, or just dropped in for a specific post, but regardless, thank you. All of you, for making me see that all of this wasn't for nothing. Sure to the average joe this may seem like a bit much for a post about ending a blog about figures and comics, but to me, this was everything. Getting on here to type up a review, or editorial, or whatever allowed me to escape the stresses of daily life for a bit, and it allowed me to showcase my opinions and showed me that I had a voice, even when I thought I didn't. So thank you again, Below is a link to my youtube channel that you can subscribe to for new reviews every few weeks. With all that said, I want to thank you one last time for sticking with this ol'blog for as long as you did, and until next time, this has been Toni-El, signing off.